SST founded in 2006, We are the largest manufacturer and exporter of stainless steel customized water tanks in China. Since our establishment 18 years ago, we have been committed to the research and development of stainless steel water tanks. We strive for a perfect fit in everything we do. We always strive for the best products, but also seek perfect fit in our relationships with partners and employees, production processes, and their impact on the surrounding world. Trust and respect - Maximize trust and respect for employees, and provide space for individuals to showcase their talents.
Teamwork and innovation - Achieving common goals through teamwork and spirit, focusing on meaningful innovation.
Speed and flexibility - We should value speed and flexibility at any stage of enterprise development. We only make our tanks using 2205 Duplex stainless steel because it is the best material available.
15 year warranty. You can have confidence in knowing your covered.
Competitive and fair pricing. We are always trying to make the best tank for the the fairest price. Compare our tanks to the rest because we know our tanks are great value and will save you money long term due to their higher efficiency and long service life.
Made from the best quality Duplex stainless steel available. The Duplex stainless steel used to make SST tanks is imported from Sweden and made from over 90% recycled material. SST Duplex tanks will outlast any 316 or 304 stainless steel tanks meaning you will save money.
Industry leading heat loss due to superior spray foam insulation. Less heat lost means less heat that needs to be boosted into the tank saving you money at the same time as lessening your environmental impact.
Multiple port locations and over sized ports to allow for larger applications and future upgrades to supply pipe sizes. Why not install a tank that is future proofed? No matter what application you have, we can make a tank to suit. Dedicated drain ports. Why is this important? Drain ports enable proper draining of the tank during servicing and will increase the life of the tank. Most companies don’t have these as selling a replacement tank is good for business. We think differently.
To suit any application. Suitable with any heat source including solar thermal, Heat pumps, wood boilers, gas boilers and also comes with a back up element if needed. No matter how you plan to heat your water, we have a tank that will achieve.